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Organic Garden

Inspiring Change







 Embrace the youth- We plan to empower the youth by educating them on the wonders of agriculture. We have found that today’s youth considers farming as a low-profile job and doesn’t appreciate how food gets to their plate. Our projected outcome is to be able to educate the youth about the crops they are consuming and empower them to believe that they too can lead a change. 


Support the cafeteriaThe outcomes from our garden are going to be donated to the school cafeteria. This also solves another problem. Most of the school cafeterias in the nation serve canned and frozen food. But the fresh produce we donate is not only going to be nourishing, nutritious, and hydrating. Also in canned there is a high chance of bacteria formation. And in frozen food as time passes the quality of the food decreases.

Connect the community- The outcomes from our garden are going to be donated to the school cafeteria. This also solves another problem. Most of the school cafeterias in the nation serve canned and frozen food. But the fresh produce we donate is not only going to be nourishing, nutritious, and hydrating. Also in canned there is a high chance of bacteria formation. And in frozen food as time passes the quality of the food decreases.​



Our project mainly focuses on encouraging our community to be better feasible for our future generations. Though, our initial thoughts were to take a big step on improving our community, as middle schoolers our plans were limited. At the full extent, we were able to guide and encourage our communities to take small steps toward our goal. Each and every person who will contribute to this garden will be able to learn and take our world a step further. Not only would they be providing their time, but they will also use this as an opportunity to mingle together in the society. The young and youth participating in this community garden would flow their knowledge and make a change in the community to promote the  idea of restoring the soil.

Our idea of building a community garden started from a tiny seed. The more effort we put into it; our idea sprouted into an original form. When we researched agriculture, and its affects and impacts, we found out that restoring soil should be our main priority. We found this garden as an excuse to interpret this message to our society. By creating this garden, we planned on teaching the young and youth to spread the awareness of this flaw in our agricultural techniques. Those uprising generations will eventually evolve into the solution to the problems of our world by spreading the knowledge that is being acquired in this community garden.


This community garden’s goal is to spread the message of soil restoration to our society and let them care for their future. By conceding to this knowledge our uprising generations would be better willing to help our nature solve the problem of destruction of the soil. To make this change our team proceeded to ask our Beta club sponsor to make the interested students participate in this club. While we were onto our main goal, we also found social wellness was playing a major part in it. Since COVID-19 many people including students were isolated. We saw this as an opportunity to latch onto this beneficial effect on our community. By starting this garden, we would be letting all the children collaborate together and with teamwork  interact with our environment. This community garden brings us together while we take this huge step forward to protecting our soil. With the cooperation of everyone we can make this small seed sprout into our society and let it bloom us with our determination, interaction, respect, and pride.

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