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Updated: Jun 29, 2022

Sustainable agriculture is a way of farming that helps to keep the environment clean and healthy. We have been taking minerals from our soil for too long and now the soil has lost its nutrients and minerals. Our soil has lost its rich minerals that it once showered us with but instead of this being a topic that we avoid, this should be a wake-up call to all of us. Sustainable agriculture is the key to reducing climate change and world hunger that are affecting thousands if not millions of people worldwide.

Normal agriculture is the leading source of pollution in many countries. Pesticides, fertilizers, and other toxic farm chemicals can poison fresh water, marine ecosystems, air, and soil. They also can remain in the environment for generations that can poison our future children. Pesticides can contaminate soil, water, turf, and other vegetation. In addition to killing insects or weeds, pesticides will be toxic to humans eventually. Sustainable agriculture can reduce climate change because According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, sustainable farming has been shown to improve agriculture and increase crops in climates where farming is historically difficult, and even help curb greenhouse gas emissions through practices like soil carbon sequestration. Farmers are our heroes that deserve recognition for their work. According to The American Farm Bureaucracy, Farmers have embraced technologies that reduced emissions and increased efficiency. We should urge the government to teach maintainable farming to our youth and the schools need to prioritize practical ways to help the community by empowering the students to take control of the situation. Also, an especially important action that we need to take, is provide the farmers with the tools for our agriculture to thrive.

World hunger affects 9.9% of the population globally. That is approximately 775300000 people that are suffering. The main cause of hunger worldwide is poverty. Millions of people around the world are simply too poor to be able to buy food. They also lack the resources to grow their own food, such as arable land and the means to harvest, process, and store food. Sustainable agriculture can reduce world hunger because Conservation practices, such as crop diversification, drip or sprinkler irrigation, zero-soil tillage and growing more crops that rely less on nitrogen, are key to solving hunger. According to the report by EWG, adopting no-till alone could lift almost 9 percent of people out of hunger by 2050. Also, according to USFCA, the application of these agricultural practices leads to communities being able to sustain themselves due to the increase in available food as more efficient farming techniques will be used, farmers will be able to create an abundant food supply to feed their families and to profit from in markets. We should call to schools to add farming as a core subject like Math and Science. Farming is a practical subject that impacts everyone’s life and can help solve real world problems.

Although the idea of change can cause pressure on farmers, there are several reasons why we should persevere with this plan. Firstly, there are many plans that are being considered by the government. We think of agriculture as something that does not concern us because we are not farmers or government officials to change this situation. Our President -Biden has sworn that he will pay farmers to cut carbon footprint. As shown from the points above, progress on environmental farming has been going on but not fast enough. We need to achieve sustainability by 2035 to combat soaring global warming, and the devastating world hunger that plagues our society currently. A common misconception that fogs many people is “how can I- a citizen that doesn’t own farms - help in sustainable agriculture?” Well, simply we need to raise awareness about the problem we are currently facing rather than reaching quick decisions. Everyone matters in this epidemic.

In conclusion, Sustainable agriculture is the key to reducing climate change and world hunger. If we do not act now, it will be too late. Climate Change is affecting the entire population. World hunger is a problem that should be on top of more people’s concerns. Some ways we can help in sustainable agriculture is first we should urge the government to teach maintainable farming to your youth and the schools need to prioritize practical ways to help the community by empowering the students to take control of the situation and to educate the farmers. Additionally, we can create a government funded plan to spread awareness and to equip farmers with the tools necessary to create sustainable agriculture.

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