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Ozone layer depletion is a major environmental problem. It absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation, which heats the stratosphere. It also absorbs infrared radiation emitted by the Earth's surface, effectively trapping heat in the troposphere. Therefore, the climate impact of changes in ozone concentrations varies with the altitude at which these ozone changes occur.

Some causes of ozone depletion and the ozone holes is manufactured chemicals, especially manufactured halocarbon refrigerants, solvents, propellants, and foam-blowing agents (chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), HCFCs, halons). Human activities cause the emission of halogen source gases that contain chlorine and bromine atoms. These emissions into the atmosphere ultimately lead to stratospheric ozone depletion. The source gases that con- tain only carbon, chlorine, and fluorine are called “chlo- rofluorocarbons,” usually abbreviated as CFCs.

Some effects of Ozone layer depletion can cause increased amounts of UV radiation to reach Earth. This can lead to more cases of skin cancer, cataracts, sunburns, quick aging, and impaired immune systems. Too much exposure to UV is considered to be contributing to the increase in melanoma, the most fatal of all skin cancers.

Why this is important is because the ozone damages vegetation and ecosystems by inhibiting the ability of plants to open the microscopic pores on their leaves to breathe. It interferes with the photosynthesis process by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide the plants can process and release as oxygen. This can be fatal to us as we breathe in oxygen.

To do your part in helping to stop ozone layer depletion buy air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment that do not use HCFCs as refrigerant. Buy aerosol products that do not use HCFCs or CFCs as propellants. Conduct regular inspection and maintenance of air-conditioning and refrigeration appliances to prevent and minimize refrigerant leakage.

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