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Willow Project Gone Wrong

Updated: Jun 6, 2023

As one of his first actions as president, Joe Biden halted the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a move that was widely praised by environmentalists. However, his approach to another controversial energy project, The Willow Project, has been met with criticism from some experts who believe that it is a disastrous decision for the future of the Earth.

The Willow Project is an oil and gas development project in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. The project is being developed by ConocoPhillips and would involve building up to three drill sites, 37 miles of roads, pipelines, and other infrastructure. The project has been controversial from the start, with environmentalists and indigenous groups raising concerns about the impact it would have on the local ecosystem and the climate.

Biden's approach to The Willow Project has been to allow it to move forward with some modifications. In November 2020, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) released a record of decision (ROD) that approved the project with several stipulations, including the requirement that ConocoPhillips take measures to reduce the project's impact on wildlife and the environment.

However, experts argue that these stipulations are not enough to mitigate the project's potential harm. The Willow Project would involve drilling in a sensitive Arctic ecosystem that is already experiencing the effects of climate change. The project would also contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, which would accelerate the effects of climate change and further harm the environment.

Moreover, the project would harm the livelihoods and cultural practices of the indigenous communities in the area. The Gwich'in Nation, whose ancestral lands are near the project, has been vocal in its opposition to The Willow Project, arguing that it would harm the Porcupine Caribou herd, which is central to their way of life.

By allowing The Willow Project to move forward, Biden is sending a signal that his administration is not fully committed to addressing climate change and protecting the environment. His approach is short-sighted and ignores the long-term implications of allowing oil and gas development in sensitive ecosystems.

Furthermore, his approach is inconsistent with his commitment to address climate change. While he has taken some positive steps, such as rejoining the Paris Agreement and halting the Keystone XL pipeline, allowing The Willow Project to move forward undermines these actions and shows a lack of commitment to a sustainable future.

In conclusion, Biden's approach to The Willow Project is disastrous for the future of the Earth. By allowing the project to move forward with some modifications, he is sending a signal that his administration is not fully committed to addressing climate change and protecting the environment. The project would harm a sensitive Arctic ecosystem, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, and harm the livelihoods and cultural practices of indigenous communities. It is time for the Biden administration to reconsider its approach and take more decisive action to protect the planet for future generations.

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